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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Tapestry is an innovative, interactive online learning journal. Latton Green’s Early Years Foundation team use Tapestry to record all of your child’s early years education.




Capturing Experiences

Our nursery and reception classes are fun-packed and busy. From our mud pie kitchen, puppet show, water and sand trays to phonics and new games, there is so much to do and so much to learn. Tapestry enhances these special moments and memories allowing our teachers to capture these experiences as well as monitoring progress and development.


Keeping Track

Each observation or page can include notes, photographs, videos and our EYFS team can record the assessments of each observation that has been made using the Early Learning Goals and Characteristics of Effective Learning. Tapestry provides the evidence for summative assessments and sets next steps. These observations can be enhanced by comments from other staff and parents, and each page appears in a pleasing and coherent way.

Parental Involvement

This unique journal is shared online with parents and other relatives, who are able to see special moments and view their child's progress. They also have the access to ‘like,’ comment and upload their own media. Text, images and videos can be easily uploaded via PC, tablet or using the mobile app - anywhere there is an online connection! Every entry helps to create a complete story of a child's time at Latton Green. When children leave the setting, parents are provided with a permanent version of their child's journal as a keepsake, either as a hard copy or on CD.



Tapestry is available via logging on to the website or downloading onto Apple, Android and Amazon Fire devices.


Online Safety

Tapestry is used by hundreds of nurseries, pre-schools and schools all over the country, each setting receives a complete, secure application with its own web address, as well as full viewing and editing controls. No other parent is able to see your child’s profile and is only accessible to the class teacher and parent. All parents are required to give consent before Tapestry is used by the school. 


Parent Voice

“It was a great communication tool that allowed parents and children to discuss the events of the school day.”


“Tapestry enabled me to see what my child had been learning daily. Sharing their learning at home encouraged my children to talk about and explain their achievements. A great way to encourage oracy and embed their learning.”


“We loved it because it allowed all the family to see her achievements.”


“It gave us a great insight into the day and when she told us things, we understood exactly what she was talking about.”


“It was really reassuring that he was happy at school and doing well. The perfect tool to keep in touch with teachers.”


“It was good to see the activities they were doing in school. It was also good to show you (the teacher) what he was doing at home.”