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The aim of NET Academies Trust is to promote and lead innovative practice in our schools and classrooms to help raise educational outcomes for all pupils.

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Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)

What is Trauma Perceptive Practice (TPP)

TPP is a programme offered to all Essex schools and settings aiming to improve policy and practice. 

It is the Essex approach to understanding behaviour and supporting emotional wellbeing. It has been developed by people who work in and with Essex schools and settings.

Trauma Perceptive Practice at Latton Green

Latton Green began our journey establishing TPP in 2019. Staff were trained in each of the nine elements in order to establish the values and mindset of TPP at Latton Green. The aim is for our school community to recognise the importance of building positive relationships, embed the language of TPP, understanding that every behaviour is a communication and for TPP to inform policy and procedures. We have rewritten our Behaviour policy to reflect TPP practices within the school and renamed this our Behaviour and Relationship policy.  TPP exists alongside Zones of Regulation which provides children with the language and skills needed to recognise and express their emotions.